
Black Squares vs Black Lives vs Change

I’ve been looking at Instagram and Facebook this morning, watching as more and more black squares or profile pictures appear. Celebrities, regular people alike, all posting with various hashtags, in support of protests that have rightly come about following the horrific treatment and ultimate murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. But I’m bothered. Is the a social media bandwagon. Is it a case of “what will people think if I don’t join in”? Harsh words, but this is a harsh and serious issue. Do I think by posting a black square on my feed that I will effect change in a serious issue? No. It’s worse than a silent protest, it’s not even a protest, it’s an orchestrated media effort. Apartheid didn’t end in South Africa following hashtags and celebrity pledges. Segregation in the US wasn’t abolished because Nike and Disney showed their support. They only show their support now because they know they must. Social media “protest” isn’t a protest. It’s no better than saying “I’m not racist, some of my best friends are black”.

Change can only come about via actual protest. Protest marches, demonstrations, petitioning governments, getting those big companies like Nike and Disney to put their money into actual funds to support causes like #blacklivesmatter rather than paying a marketing company to create a politically correct video or post. Celebrities using their elevated status and voice to affect change. To demand equality amongst crew. I don’t have the answers. But I urge you all to follow up #blackouttuesday by reading, educating, protesting and making your voice heard – your actual voice.